Contact : Mr. Hari moedoko
The head of promotion section government tourism office
Address: Jl. Raya Singosari – Malang
Call : +62 82143141311
Background :
Pesanggrahan Argo Wilis (Argo Wilis
Guesthouses) is a tourist attraction in form of lodging owned by The Government on
Tulungagung Regency with total area of
1.53 Ha. The vast land and location that offers the natural charm of Wilis Mountain Slopes that are comfortable and beautiful. There are still some area that have not yet been utilized at the moment, and it planned to be developed so that can attract more visitor.
Around IDR 19.7 Billion
Working Capital : IDR 5.7 Billion
Average Visitor 250 people/month
IRR : 8.67%; >12%
Payback Periode : 5 years 2 months
Business Scheme :
BOT (Build – Operate- Transfer).
Genceng backwood, Sendang village,
Sendang district, Tulungagung Regency
(Mount Wilis on the Wilis Mountain Circle track)
Development Plan :
To built extended area of Pesanggrahan :
Bungalow , Gift shop, Gazebo &
Existing Facilities :
Playground, Entertainment stage,
Tan Tiek Tsue Cave.

Project status :
A study has been conducted by the Regional
Development Planning Board of Tulungagung Regency.
Land Area : 1.53 Ha (Government owned land)