Description :
The development of Anwarul Maliki
Autonomous City is planned to be an autono-
mous city with coplete islamic facilities and
infrastructure as a buffer of Bromo Tengger
Semeru Tourism and connecting to big cities
Development Plan :
- Integrated and modern housing complex
- Business and office area
- Modern hospital, modern market, mall and hotel
- Fitness center, sports facilities and stadium
- School building and islamic boarding school facilities
- Culinary area and nature park
Location: Purwodadi – Pasuruan Regency
Land Area : ± 96 Ha (optional addition 52 Ha) Land Status : Private owned (KH. Abdullah Munif Ma’ruf)
Business Scheme : B to B (Investor with Project Owner)
Project Owner :
- Islamic boarding school Anwarul Maliki
- Anma-Property
Around IDR 7 Trillion
Spatial Plan

Access :
- Pandaan – Malang Toll Road (In-Exit Plan)
- 1 Km from Purwodadi Exit Toll Road (Pandaan-Malang Toll Road)
- 64 Km from Waru – Surabaya Toll Gate
- 500 m Local road to Surabaya – Malang National Axis Road
Existing Facilities :
- Mosque and Islamic Prayer Room
- Mall and Hotel
- apartment buildings and offices
- Classy housing
- School and Islamic Boarding School
- Building Materials Supplier and modern fresh Market
- Culinary centre
- Stadion, gymnasium (parking area 24.000 M2)
- Hospital
- Green area and forest
- Concrete road with row 10 – 12 M/per lane
- underground power lines and cables
- 24 hours security
Utilities :
- Electricity : PT. PLN
- Water : PDAM
- Gas : PT PGN and PT. Pertagas
Contact :
Mr. KH. Abdullah Munif Ma’ruf Anwar Maliki Islamic Boarding School
Kontak : +6281388088888
Land Layout :